
Special Biodata: Sangye Thinley A

January 14, 2024

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Born into an extended family, Sangye Thinley A faced a pivotal choice at six: attend school or become a monk. In 2016, he embraced the monastic path at Serang monastery. Guided by Lama Tsering Choedhen and Lama Tsewang Norbu for eight years, he delved into basic Tibetan education, progressing from the alphabet to fluent scripture recitation. His dream of attending Serang Primary School came true in 2022. Grateful for the guidance of teachers and revered Rinpoches, Tulku Karma Rinpoche and Nubtul Rinpoche, Sangye finds joy in being both a monk and a student. He expresses heartfelt thanks for this opportunity at the Monastery and school.

Serang Monastery is a warm sanctuary nestled in the heart of Kyimolung, surrounded by the sacred Serang Valley. This monastery is not just a place of learning but a beacon of hope and education for sangha seeking spiritual enlightenment and contemporary knowledge.

Guided by the compassionate wisdom of Venerable Tulku Karma Mingyur Dorje Rinpoche, Nubtul Tenpei Nyima Rinpoche, and Tulku Jigme Choepal Gyatso Rinpoche, Serang Monastery has transformed into a haven of monastic-based education. Since 2022, we've been providing a golden opportunity for monks under fifteen years old to join Serang Primary School.

Currently, we have 42 monk students from Kindergarten to fourth grade, experiencing a unique blend of Buddhist wisdom and modern education. Our vision goes beyond traditional teachings, aiming to empower young minds with language proficiency and a deep understanding of their cultural heritage.

In this sacred space where prayer flags flutter, our students engage in daily prayers, dharma teachings, and lama dances, and explore the beauty of ritual practices, chanting, instrumental play, and Tibetan language arts.

Meet Sangye Thinley A, a seventeen-year-old from the humble village of Melapuk near Gayul. For eight years, he has found refuge within Serang Gonpa, joining Serang Primary School in 2022. Born into poverty, Sangye Thinley's story reflects the struggles of many in his village, where his parents faced destitution and addiction.

In response, Serang Monastery and its branch schools extend a compassionate embrace, providing not only free education but also shelter, healthcare, and unwavering support. Sangye Thinley's story is just one among many, echoing the tales of countless children whose lives have been transformed by the kindness of Serang Gonpa.

In a world where poverty denies basic rights, our sanctuary emerges as a haven against violence, discrimination, and injustice. Your support becomes part of a collective endeavour to restore these children's rights to education, sustenance, and health care.

The generosity of our sponsors breathes life into dreams, enabling young monks to thrive until they stand on their own. Each act of benevolence creates a ripple effect, reaching the heart of impoverished communities. Together, let's be the change we wish to see, breaking the shackles of poverty and illuminating a brighter, more hopeful future for these kids.

Join us in this noble cause. Your contribution, no matter how small, becomes a beacon of hope, a testament to the transformative power of compassion. Together, we create a legacy of empowerment, education, and enduring kindness.

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17 years old


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